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Change the structure of a GraphQL response

I have a GraphQL and Express project with these existing routes:

// ...

const graphiqlExpress = require('graphql-server-express').graphiqlExpress;
const graphqlExpress = require('graphql-server-express').graphqlExpress;
const makeExecutableSchema = require('graphql-tools').makeExecutableSchema;

// ...

const schema = makeExecutableSchema({

// ...

app.use('/graphql', bodyParser.json(), graphqlExpress({ schema }));
    endpointURL: '/graphql',

My results after a GET on http://localhost:3030/graphql?query={regions(countries:["FR"],level:0){...} look like a normal GraphQL response:

  "data": {
    "regions": [
        "type": "FeatureCollection",
        "features": [

Is there a way to transform the response to something more like a valid GeoJSON format? (no " data:{ } " and without the name of my query, etc.) such as:

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [

What I've already thought of doing is either using a middleare (but how?) and/or a normalizer such as graphql-normalizr (but I don't know how to plug it with Express)

After a few good hours of searching left and right I found a viable solution. Luckily there is a formatResponse that you can use: https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-server/blob/master/packages/apollo-server-core/src/graphqlOptions.ts#L43

The updated code looks like:

  graphqlExpress({ schema, formatResponse: res => (res.data.regions && res.data.regions[0]) || res })

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