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How to shorten the code with the select list ? Spring HTML

I wonder how I can shorten the code. I have a select list written in HTML. This is a list of airports. However, it is very long. Too long.

<body> <form action="#" th:action="@{/connect}" th:object="${FlightDTO}" method="post">

    <div class="container">
        <div class="main">

            <select name="myselect" id="myselect"     th:field="*{departure}"   >
                <option value="AALAalesund">Aalborg</option>
                <option value="ZID">Aarhus</option>
                <option value="AAR">Aarhus</option>
                <option value="JEG">Aasiaat</option>
                <option value="ABD">Abadan</option>
    ... etc.

Please help me .

you add add airports to database.

Create Airport java Class

Airport Class :

public class Airport {

    private String name;
    private String value;

    // setter and getter ...


and generate list of airports List<Airport> and add to model

model.addAttribute("airports", List<Airport> );

and then in html page you can use this:

<option th:each="items : ${airports}" 

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