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Formatting data for Google Charts

I am trying to achieve something in order to get my data formatted correctly for Google Charts. At the moment, I have data in the following format

    0: {Category: "cat2", Count: 11}
    1: {Category: "cat4", Count: 24}
    2: {Category: "cat3", Count: 52}
    3: {Category: "cat1", Count: 57}

Google requires the first row to be the Labels, and the other rows the content. So in my case Google requires my data to be like so

let data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
   ['Category', 'Count'],
   ['cat1',  11],
   ['cat2',  24],
   ['cat3',  52],
   ['cat4',  57]

In order to do this, I am doing the following

generateData (data) {
    return [Object.keys(data[0])].
            data => Object.values(data)

So this all works fine, however, there are two additional things I am trying to achieve. Firstly, I want to make sure the data is in a particular order.

So this is what I am thinking, I do not need to dynamically collect the categories like I do above. Reason for this is because I know it will always be 4 categories, cat1, cat2, cat3 and cat4. So I could potentially define my categories, in the order I want them.

generateData (data) {
    let myArray = [];
    const header = ["Category", "Count"];
    const categories = ["cat1", "cat2", "cat3", "cat4"];

But then how do I add the additional rows from the data array, making sure it matches up with the correct category?

The second thing I wan to do is give each categories bar its own color. According to the Google docs, within the header row, I can add a style

let myArray = [];
const header = ["Category", "Count", { role: 'style' }];
const categories = ["cat1", "cat2", "cat3", "cat4"];
const colors = ["red", "blue", "silver", "yellow"];

But then for the additional rows, from my data array, I would need to add the appropiate color for each category. So the final array I am after should look something like this

  ["category", "Count", { role: 'style' }],
  ["cat1", "11", "red"],
  ["cat2", "24", "blue"],
  ["cat3", "52", "silver"],
  ["cat4", "57", "yellow"]

How can I achieve this with the initial data that is being passed?


You can use forEach on any of the the arrays and then create an array with three values with corresponding values.

 let myArray = []; const header = ["Category", "Count", { role: 'style' }]; const data = [ {"Category":"cat3","Count":59}, {"Category":"cat1","Count":109}, {"Category":"cat2","Count":120}, {"Category":"cat4","Count":57} ] const obj = data.reduce((ac,{Category, Count}) => (ac[Category] = Count,ac),{}); const categories = ["cat1", "cat2", "cat3", "cat4"]; const count = [57, 11, 52, 24]; const colors = ["red", "blue", "silver", "yellow"]; myArray.push(header); categories.forEach((x,i) => { myArray.push([x,obj[x],colors[i]]); }) console.log(myArray) 

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