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Android Architecture Components

I am using MVVM android architecture for my application.

I want to implement click event, so, do we need to use data binding architecture components or we can just use activity for handling the click event and validating the user inputs?

What's the best way to implement this?

Well the question would be using the Databinding or not. Here are some pros and cons of Databinding :


  1. Makes the code super clean.
  2. Makes the code shorter.
  3. Easy to test.


  1. Sometimes it's hard to debug.
  2. It's a little heavy and increases the compile time.

But... since Google has already anounced it as part of the Android Architecture components I believe you should use it.

What's the best way to implement this?

I don't know how familiar you are with the Databinding but you should know something about Binding Adapters , anw in the onClick you won't be needing it. Just add the android:onClick attribute in the XML file. Also you can find this Codelab to properly implement it:



First of all make sure you have the Databinding enabled in your build.gradle

android {
    dataBinding {
       enabled true

After that go to the layout you will use the databinding (and for that make sure it will be an Activity/Fragment), and just type ALT+ TAB in your IDE and than....

After that, define types, for example a ViewModel and it's name. And in the view that will use the click function add what I said above. ( android:onClick="@{() -> viewmodel.onLike()}" )

You are not finished. You will somehow need to connect your logic to that databinding, so go to your Java/Kotlin code for your Activity/Fragment and:

Replace the setContentView(R.layout.some_activity) with val binding : SomeActivityBinding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.some_activity)

Notice the SomeActivityBinding will be provided by the IDE itself because is handled on the Databinding library according to the xml naming.

That's the most basic. Good luck.

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