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Bash does not execute the certbot command

Bash does not execute the certbot command, how to find out why?

When I use ls command to test normal bash functions


$cmd = "/bin/bash /usr/local/openresty/nginx/html/pHpServer-PG/api/cert.bash test.com";
echo $cmd;
$ww = shell_exec($cmd);


certbot certonly --rsa-key-size 4096 --webroot --agree-tos --no-eff-email --email email@gmail.com -w /usr/local/openresty/nginx/html -d $1 -d admin.$1 -d www.$1

I use php-fpm and nginx with user root

Some way to extract bash error?

Do you specify the variable in -d $1 -d admin.$1 -d www.$1 port of the code, so $1 ?

That suggests you're passing a domain name to the code.

You can also run the bash script with bash -x , so eg if you named your script certificate.sh , run

bash -x certificate.sh domain.com

where domain.com is your domain name.

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