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Extract items from a json file with values in an array

I am trying to handle JSON arrays to extract key value pair from the keys available from user selection.

This is not real time json example...It is just a sample

Example of JSON

var personnel = [
    id: 5,
    name: "Luke Skywalker",
    pilotingScore: 98,
    shootingScore: 56,
    isForceUser: true,
    id: 82,
    name: "Sabine Wren",
    pilotingScore: 73,
    shootingScore: 99,
    isForceUser: false,
    id: 22,
    name: "Zeb Orellios",
    pilotingScore: 20,
    shootingScore: 59,
    isForceUser: false,
    id: 15,
    name: "Ezra Bridger",
    pilotingScore: 43,
    shootingScore: 67,
    isForceUser: true,
    id: 11,
    name: "Caleb Dume",
    pilotingScore: 71,
    shootingScore: 85,
    isForceUser: true,

      sample_arr = [id,name,skills.skill1];

      let op = personnel.map(md => {
             return { id: md.id,name:md.name,skills{skill1:md.skills.skill1}};


I wanted to get key value pair like below.

    "id": 5,
    "name": "Luke Skywalker"
    "id": 82,
    "name": "Sabine Wren",
         "skill1": 'vision'
    "id": 22,
    "name": "Zeb Orellios"
    "id": 15,
    "name": "Ezra Bridger"
    "id": 11,
    "name": "Caleb Dume"

I now updated the my problem statement.


Extract all JSON values selected by the user to a new array. This will save more time as the json is 700MB all the way and it is time consuming to handle on every request

You have the user selections stored in the array? If so, you could do something like:

let sample_arr = ['id', 'name']

let op = personnel.map(md => {
    let user = {}
    sample_arr.forEach(val => {
        if (md[val]) {
            user[val] = md[val]
    return user

Here's a simple function to do this:

 const project = (keys) => (xs) => xs .map (x => keys .reduce ( (a, k) => ({...a, [k]: x[k]}), {} )) var personnel = [{id:5,name:"Luke Skywalker",pilotingScore:98,shootingScore:56,isForceUser:true},{id:82,name:"Sabine Wren",pilotingScore:73,shootingScore:99,isForceUser:false,skills:{skill1:"vision",skill2:"strength"}},{id:22,name:"Zeb Orellios",pilotingScore:20,shootingScore:59,isForceUser:false},{id:15,name:"Ezra Bridger",pilotingScore:43,shootingScore:67,isForceUser:true,skills:{skill1:"vision",skill2:"strength"}},{id:11,name:"Caleb Dume",pilotingScore:71,shootingScore:85,isForceUser:true}]; console .log ( project (['id', 'name']) (personnel) ) 

The name project is from Codd's early papers on relational databases; it's similar in feel to SQL's select statement.


The answer from KellyKapoor has one feature the above lacks: it only includes the property name if the data has it (so no skills: undefined .)

It's not clear which behavior the OP is looking for, but this minor modification offers that feature

 const project2 = (keys) => (xs) => xs .map (x => keys .reduce ((a, k) => ({...a, ...(k in x ? {[k]: x[k]} : {}) }), {} )) var personnel = [{id:5,name:"Luke Skywalker",pilotingScore:98,shootingScore:56,isForceUser:true},{id:82,name:"Sabine Wren",pilotingScore:73,shootingScore:99,isForceUser:false,skills:{skill1:"vision",skill2:"strength"}},{id:22,name:"Zeb Orellios",pilotingScore:20,shootingScore:59,isForceUser:false},{id:15,name:"Ezra Bridger",pilotingScore:43,shootingScore:67,isForceUser:true,skills:{skill1:"vision",skill2:"strength"}},{id:11,name:"Caleb Dume",pilotingScore:71,shootingScore:85,isForceUser:true}]; console .log ( project2 (['id', 'name', 'skills']) (personnel) ) 

Whats the problem with this?

let op = personnel.map(md => {
   return { id: md.id,name:md.name};

You can create a function which extracts the props from an object based on a passed array of keys:

 var data = [ { id: 5, name: "Luke Skywalker", pilotingScore: 98, shootingScore: 56, isForceUser: true, }, { id: 82, name: "Sabine Wren", pilotingScore: 73, shootingScore: 99, isForceUser: false, skills:{ 'skill1':'vision', 'skill2':'strength' } }, { id: 22, name: "Zeb Orellios", pilotingScore: 20, shootingScore: 59, isForceUser: false, }, { id: 15, name: "Ezra Bridger", pilotingScore: 43, shootingScore: 67, isForceUser: true, skills:{ 'skill1':'vision', 'skill2':'strength' } }, { id: 11, name: "Caleb Dume", pilotingScore: 71, shootingScore: 85, isForceUser: true, }, ]; let pick = (obj, fields) => Object.keys(obj) .reduce((r,c) => (fields.includes(c) ? r[c] = obj[c] : null, r), {}) let result = data.map(x => pick(x, ['id', 'name', 'skills'])) console.log(result) 

Then all you need is to loop though via Array.map to pick from all objects.

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