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Waiting for async function to return true or false - how do I check return value?

I have an async function songAlreadyInQueue that will return true if an ID is found in a database, false otherwise. I want to use the function like such:

if(!songAlreadyInQueue(ref, id)){
  // do stuff

But I know that since it's an async function, I have to wait for the result to come back before I truly know if it's true or false. What I have above is always false so I tried this:

songAlreadyInQueue(ref, id).then((wasFound) => {
                                console.log("wasfound = " + wasFound)
                                    //do stuff

But that doesn't work either. What is the proper way to wait for this async function to finish? This is what my async function looks like (simplified):

async function songAlreadyInQueue(requestQueueRef, requestID) {
    var querye = requestQueueRef.where("id", "==", requestID)
        .then((snap) => {
            snap.docs.forEach(doc => {
                if (doc.exists) {
                    console.log("**************FOUND REQUEST IN QUEUE ALREADY!")
                    return true
            return false
    return querye // not sure if correct. Is this "returning a promise"?

With an async function you should use await instead of then() so you're not creating another anonymous function. You are returning from an anonymous function rather than the async function. try this.

 async function songAlreadyInQueue(requestQueueRef, requestID) { var snap = await requestQueueRef.where("id", "==", requestID).get() var found = false; snap.docs.forEach(doc => { if (doc.exists) { console.log("**************FOUND REQUEST IN QUEUE ALREADY!") found = true } }) return found } 

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