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How to show response from AJAX call to Spring controller method?

How do I display the response of a call to a Spring MVC Controller returning HTML? In my Javascript code I make a (GET) call to my Spring Controller. From what I can make is that the response from the call is HTML. I guess I need to replace 'alert(response)' with Javascript to display the html.

My Javascript code:

     $('#parcelsTable').on( 'click', 'tr', function () {
         var data = table.row( this ).data();

             success: function(response){
     } );

My controller code in Spring:

public String showFormForUpdate(@RequestParam("parcelId") int theId, Model theModel) {

    Parcel theParcel = parcelService.findById(theId);
    theModel.addAttribute("theParcel", theParcel);
    return "parcel-form";

Here "parcel-form" is the name of a template.

     $('#parcelsTable').on( 'click', 'tr', function () {
         var data = table.row( this ).data();

             success: function(response){
                $.get(response.html, function(data, status){
     } );

response.html is the page you want to show on the success of get request. Just make a get request to the response.html file or any template file and put this file in any div where you want to show it.

Hope that it works

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