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Azure webapp HTTP Status 404 – Not Found

I have deployed my simple webapp on Springboot Rest and deployed it on azure cloud successfully just like my other webapps.

But I am getting HTTP Status 404 – Not Found when I hit the azure URL of my webapp.

The status of webapp on azure is showing as "Running" but still I am getting 404.

Please note that, the application running perfectly on my local machine but not on azure.

Below are the error message details,

"HTTP Status 404 – Not Found Type Status Report Message / Description The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists. Apache Tomcat/8.5.41"

And below is my azure maven plugin configuration I used in my application,


If someone check and assist me on this would be so helpful.

Thanks in advance.

Without knowing how you performed your deployment. I am going to assume that you didn't deploy a WAR file to the webapps folder. If you just copied the files over Tomcat will not automatically load those like it will for a WAR file. Restart the Tomcat server and see if your app gets loaded and starts working.

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