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How to Create generic method to return multiple list in c#

i have create a generic method that's return a single list. but i need to pass multiple list and it will return multiple list result set in mvc using entity framework.

public void ExecuteList<T>(out List<T> obj, string sql, params object[] parameters) where T : class
        using (var db = _context)
            var cmd = db.Database.Connection.CreateCommand();
            cmd.CommandText = sql;
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                using (var reder = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    obj = ((IObjectContextAdapter)db).ObjectContext.Translate<T>(reder).ToList();


when i call this method in my controller it will give me a single list.

   public ActionResult Index()
        List<SqlParameter> parameterList = new List<SqlParameter>();
        parameterList.Add(new SqlParameter("@pageNo", 1));
        parameterList.Add(new SqlParameter("@pageSize", 5));            
        SqlParameter[] parameters = parameterList.ToArray();
        List<PostModel> PostModel = new List<PostModel>();           
        Uow.ExecuteList<PostModel>(out PostModel, "[dbo].[sp_getdata]", parameters);  
        return View();

but i need to pass multiple list and it will give me multiple list result.

           List<SqlParameter> parameterList = new List<SqlParameter>();
        parameterList.Add(new SqlParameter("@pageNo", 1));
        parameterList.Add(new SqlParameter("@pageSize", 5)); 
        SqlParameter[] parameters = parameterList.ToArray();
        List<PostModel> PostModel = new List<PostModel>();
        List<Tag> Tag = new List<Tag>();
        Uow.ExecuteList<PostModel,Tag>(out PostModel, out Tag, "[dbo].[sp_Getdata]", parameters);  

please help me how to complete above requirement.

You can use value tuple to do it.

 (ReturnType1 returnName1, ReturnType2 returnName2) Foo<T>(argument...)

For example

(T postModel, U tag) ExecuteList<T, U>(argument...)
      // the code
      return (postModel, tag);

The generic method can use some type just as the code using <T, U> and the T and U are two types.

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