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Transaction log is full (due to NOTHING)... but this database is in simple recovery mode

I'm supporting an antedeluvian webapp (soon to be retired) that still uses "aspnetdb" for its auth system. I was doing some work in prep for its retirement on my test environment, when I found my test server complaining with the following error:

The transaction log for database 'aspnetdb' is full due to 'NOTHING'.

Now, normally I'd assume the problem came from the database transaction log... but this database was recently switched into simple recovery mode (this is a test machine).

I've tried a few experiments with no luck, and done a fair bit of googling. Anybody seen this error before? Full transaction log on a database in simple recovery mode?

It's on SQL Server 2016, running in 2008 compatibility mode because aspnetdb is that old.

Got it, help received from stackexchange.


Autogrowth was set to 0. Unfortunately there's no way to see this in SSMS because it hides such settings about recovery-mode-simple DBs.

Query to see the real value of Autogrowth, thanks to @HandyD:

    db.name AS [Database],
    mf.name AS [File],
    CASE mf.[type_desc]
        WHEN 'ROWS' THEN 'Data File'
        WHEN 'LOG' THEN 'Log File'
    END AS [FileType],
    CAST(mf.[size] AS BIGINT)*8/1024 AS [SizeMB],
        WHEN mf.[max_size] = -1 THEN 'Unlimited'
        WHEN mf.[max_size] = 268435456 THEN 'Unlimited'
        ELSE CAST(mf.[max_size]*8/1024 AS NVARCHAR(25)) + ' MB'
    END AS [MaxSize],
    CASE [is_percent_growth]
        WHEN 0 THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(6), CAST(mf.growth*8/1024 AS BIGINT)) + ' MB'
        WHEN 1 THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(6), CAST(mf.growth AS BIGINT)) + '%'
    END AS [GrowthIncrement]
FROM sys.databases db
LEFT JOIN sys.master_files mf ON mf.database_id = db.database_id
where mf.name like 'aspnetdb%'

The other problem is that, in this state you can't change autogrowth . But you can alter size. So by increasing size and then introducing autogrowth, you can fix the problem.

    NAME = aspnetdb_log
    , SIZE = 1GB
) --this fixes the problem
    NAME = aspnetdb_log
    , SIZE = 1025MB
) -- now we have autogrowth
USE aspnetdb
DBCC SHRINKFILE(aspnetdb_log,1) --now we can shrink the DB back to a sane minimum since autogrowth is in place

Even in simple recovery mode, you can still get a full transaction log. Simple recovery mode simply means that the transaction log is truncated after each completed transaction.

The transaction log still needs space to accomodate for all active transaction and all transactions that are being rolled back.

So one likely cause is that you still have an open transaction on your database. If that happens, the transaction log will not get truncated.

The other angle is the actual space availability. If you have configured your log file with a maximum file size, or when you are running out of disk space, you can run into this.

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