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How to output a value that was recently added into mysql database?

I want to create a table that will output the data from mysql database that was recently added.

Example :

| id  | item_id | item_name | borrowed_date | expiry_date |
| B01 | N01     | book      | 12/05/2017    | 10/06/2017  |

I have tried using ORDER BY but it does not output according to newly added row.


include"connection.php"; //contain $conn

$query = "SELECT * FROM `database` ORDER BY item_id ASC ;";
$result = mysqli_query($conn,$query);


The output was not according to newly added data

Set your id column to auto increment Give your table another name than Database.

Then use:

SELECT * FROM `yourtable` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 0,1;

I suggest including one column (like a primary key) that's set to AUTO_INCREMENT . That way you can sort in descending order (DESC) by that ID to get the latest entry.

Something like this:

CREATE TABLE `database` (
    [other columns here]
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

And then:

SELECT * FROM `database` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 0,1;

Incidentally, I'm not sure if your table is really named "database". If so, I suggest not using a reserved word . It will work since you're using backticks, but it might be a good idea to change it anyway for various reasons .

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