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Setting the Python path for local project in VS Code without using the settings.json file

This answer from a Visual Studio Code developer says that it is reasonable to keep a Visual Studio Code project's settings.json file in a project's git repository to enforce code standards across different development environments. One down-side though is that when I select the Python interpreter path at the bottom of the screen (so the linter can find the installed packages), the following entry gets added to the settings.json file:

"python.pythonPath": "/path/to/conda/envs/my-env-name/bin/python",

This path is local to the machine and assumes that conda is being used. I have to avoid adding this setting to the settings.json that I commit to the git repository, which is annoying.

Is there a way to set the Python path locally for a project without writing a setting into the settings.json file?


One workaround would be to:

  • remove that line from the local workspace settings.json
  • copy-paste it to your User settings.json

See " VSCode User and Workspace Settings ".

That way, your Git codebase can keep a generic settings.json without local path.

Since this would work for only one project, you can instead reference all your projects in severalMulti-root workspaces .

Then, regarding settings in that environment, you have three files:

  • Preferences: Open User Settings - Open your global User settings
  • references: Open Workspace Settings - Open the settings section of your Workspace file.
  • Preferences: Open Folder Settings - Open the settings for the active folder.

That means you could switch workspaces, and in each multi-root workspace (each one composed of only one root), you would keep:

  • the global pythonPath path in user settings (applies to everything, everywhere)
  • the specific pythonPath for a given multi-root workspace in the Workspace setting (outside of the project folder which is the only root for that "multi-root" workspace)
  • the public versioned settings.json project-specific settings in the project folder (which is the only root of the workspace)

Again, by switching workspace, you can differentiate between:

  • workspace-specific private settings, local to your computer, like a pythonPath
  • project specific settings, in the project folder, that you can version and publish.

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