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Bash : Concatenate variables containing strings n columns by n columns

I have 2 variables containing the same number of information, here 1 line with n=3 columns (I mean separated by a space)

var1='abc def ghi'
var2='klm nop qrs'

I would like the output to be the concatenated result with one line and 3 columns, with the following pattern :

abcklm defnop ghiqrs

I tried with a $(paste <echo $var1) <(echo $var2) -d '') But it does the same as $var1$var2 .

The pr -ms' ' $var1 $var2 doesn't work, it's like it is waiting for a file rather than a variable

paste -d "" <(tr ' ' '\n' <<<"$var1") <(tr ' ' '\n' <<<"$var2") | paste -sd " "
  • convert the space-separated variables into newline-separated files.
  • join the files.
  • then join the output lines.


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