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How to add a polygon on google maps?

I'm using google_maps_flutter plugin to use google maps. I want to draw a polygon on google maps with coordinates taken from the user. The coordinates taken are type of 'Position' object.

I have already tried using map_view plugin to draw polygons. But it didn't work for me.

This is the code snippet where the coordinates are being taken.

Geolocator geolocator = Geolocator();
StreamSubscription<Position> _positionStreamSubscription;
final List<Position> _positions = <Position>[];

void _toggleListening() {
if (_positionStreamSubscription == null) {
  const LocationOptions locationOptions =
      LocationOptions(accuracy: LocationAccuracy.best, distanceFilter: 10);
  final Stream<Position> positionStream =
  _positionStreamSubscription = positionStream.listen(
      (Position position) => setState(() => _positions.add(position)));

setState(() {
  if (_positionStreamSubscription.isPaused) {
  } else {

Well, if you can convert the coordinates of your Position objects to LatLng objects, then you can use google_maps_flutter itself to draw polygons. You can see that one of its parameters allows for Polygons . So just building upon the example from google_maps_flutter, we'll first setup our polygon:

Set<Polygon> myPolygon() {
  List<LatLng> polygonCoords = new List();
  polygonCoords.add(LatLng(37.43296265331129, -122.08832357078792));
  polygonCoords.add(LatLng(37.43006265331129, -122.08832357078792));
  polygonCoords.add(LatLng(37.43006265331129, -122.08332357078792));
  polygonCoords.add(LatLng(37.43296265331129, -122.08832357078792));

  Set<Polygon> polygonSet = new Set();
      polygonId: PolygonId('test'),
      points: polygonCoords,
      strokeColor: Colors.red));

  return polygonSet;

Then just provide it to the GoogleMap widget.

  polygons: myPolygon(),
  mapType: MapType.normal,
  initialCameraPosition: _kGooglePlex,
  onMapCreated: (GoogleMapController controller) {

This will draw a small triangle near the GooglePlex.

For more information on this feature, you can refer to the Android documentation of Maps SDK Shapes . The API usage should be same, if not similar, so you can use it as a guideline.

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