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Create multidimensional array in foreach loop

I have array with 45 elements. I need to make from it multidimensiona array. This is how it looks like:

Array45: [
         0 => {
              +'MODEL': "AAA"
              +'PRICE': 12.00
              +'SUBMODEL_NAME': "abc"
         1 => {
              +'MODEL': "AAA"
              +'PRICE': 12.00
              +'SUBMODEL_NAME': ""
         2 => {
              +'MODEL': "BBB"
              +'PRICE': 12.00
              +'SUBMODEL_NAME': "bcd"
         3 => {
              +'MODEL': "AAA"
              +'PRICE': 12.00
              +'SUBMODEL_NAME': ""

And now: If record doesn't have 'SUBMODEL_NAME' I need to put it in one array with previous record which has 'SUBMODEL_NAME'. And in this case it should look like:

Array: [
         0 => [ 
              0 => {
                    +'MODEL': "AAA"
                    +'PRICE': 12.00
                    +'SUBMODEL_NAME': "abc"
              1 => {
                    +'MODEL': "AAA"
                    +'PRICE': 12.00
                    +'SUBMODEL_NAME': ""

         1 => [ 
              0 => {
                    +'MODEL': "BBB"
                    +'PRICE': 12.00
                    +'SUBMODEL_NAME': "bcd"
              1 => {
                    +'MODEL': "AAA"
                    +'PRICE': 12.00
                    +'SUBMODEL_NAME': ""


I'm in foreach loop where I try to put every next record without SUBMODEL_NAME to previous but I get stuck. It's something like this:

$j = -1;
$newArray = [];

foreach($items as $item){

        if ($index->SUBMODEL_NAME) {
            $newArray [$j][] = $index ;

EDIT Thank you all for help! I've implement soulution proposed by @user1309690 and it looks like it works perfectly. Thank for you'r help and time

Try this.

$j = -1;
$newArray = [];
foreach($items as $item){
    if ($item['SUBMODEL_NAME']) {
    $newArray [$j][] = $item ;

Another way to do it-

$result = [];
foreach($array as $k=>$v){
        $k = $k-1;
    $result[$k][$i]= $v;
$result = array_values($result);

DEMO: https://3v4l.org/3aTgR

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