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foreach loop in a multidimensional array

Trying to get the a certain parameter in my multidimensional array... I have the following api request:

$responeAPI= ClientCode::request('post', 'responeAPI', $responeAPI,['debug'=>true]); 

     foreach ($responeAPI["buDetail"] as $key => $value){
               $businessUserDet =  $value["name"];

     $storage['enterpriseList'] = $businessUserDet;

The array from the API response is like this:

  "buList": {
    "buDetail": [
        "businessUserId": 2,
        "name": "SAMPLENAME_231",
        "parentBusinessUserId": 1,
        "profileId": 2,
        "profileName": "Enterprise"
  "resultCode": 0,
  "transactionId": "responeAPIs_1577358460"

I need to extract the "name" so I can use it for the $options parameter. Right now, my code isn't showing anything.

You can do like this using array_column

$jsonArray = '{"buList":{"buDetail":[{"businessUserId":2,"name":"SAMPLENAME_231","parentBusinessUserId":1,"profileId":2,"profileName":"Enterprise"},{"businessUserId":2,"name":"SAMPLENAME_231","parentBusinessUserId":1,"profileId":2,"profileName":"Enterprise"}]},"resultCode":0,"transactionId":"responeAPIs_1577358460"}';

   $detais = json_decode($jsonArray, true);

   print_r(array_column($detais['buList']['buDetail'], 'name', 'id'));


Could you change this line

foreach ($responeAPI["buDetail"] as $key => $value){


foreach ($responeAPI["buList"]["buDetail"] as $key => $value){

You can invoke as an object:

$array = '{ "buList": { "buDetail": [{ "businessUserId": 2, "name": "SAMPLENAME_231", "parentBusinessUserId": 1, "profileId": 2, "profileName": "Enterprise" } ] }, "resultCode": 0, "transactionId": "responeAPIs_1577358460" }';
$array = json_decode($array);
//for debug purposes only
echo var_export($array, true);
echo $array->buList->buDetail[0]->name;

Output: SAMPLENAME_231

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