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Correctly define path to test properties using @TestPropertySource (Spring Boot 2)

I have a following hierarchy in my Spring Boot 2 test folder



SpringBootTest has a code like

@RunWith (SpringRunner.class)
@TestPropertySource(locations = {"/resources/test.properties"})
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT, 
             properties = {"management.port=0"})
public class SwaggerExtractorTest { ... } 

I also tried to use locations = {"test.properties"} with the file located just next to the java class itself, and some other paths, but it was always the error class path resource [...] cannot be opened because it does not exist .

Ideally I like to have path for @TestPropertySource that I can place on different levels of test code hierarchy without change, that is, relative to some top level.

What would be a correct way to set this path?

Assuming the test/resources folder you are referring to is the src/test/resources folder used by your Maven/Gradle build...

@TestPropertySource("/test.properties") and @TestPropertySource("classpath:test.properties") are equivalent, and both should work for referencing a test.properties file in the root of the classpath.

This fixed it for me.

Make sure your test resources folder is set up in sources. Below are the instructions for IntelliJ:

  1. Click on the project tab.
  2. Right click on the project and select “Open Module Settings”
  3. Under Project Settings, select “Modules”
  4. Under sources make sure your test resources folder is listed. Mine looks like:

IntelliJ 源设置

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