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IBM Watson Assistant: How to get IAM key for v1 watson assistant services

我有一个使用用户名和密码格式的IBM Watson Assistant服务,现在我想创建新的凭证,该凭证应具有用于该服务的IAM密钥,请让我们知道如何实现此目的。

There are (at least) two options to obtain IAM credentials for you IBM Watson Assistant service:

  1. In the browser, go to the service dashboard by going to the IBM Cloud resources portal , locate your service instance, click on it and then in its dashboard on Service credentials . There you can create new credentials .
  2. In a terminal and using the IBM Cloud CLI you can use ibmcloud resource service-key-create to generate credentials.

Both options assume that you have migrated your service instance from Cloud Foundry to IAM .

For creating a new credential, you can directly go to your watson assistant service/resource page, once there, on the left hand side, you would find "Service Credentials" menu button , there you would find an option to create a "New credential" , and once the credential is created, then the "apikey" of that "New credential", would actually be your "IAM key" , which can be viewed by clicking on the "View Credential" button highlighted below in the image.

*This is for IBM Watson Assistant V1 only.


You can also migrate your Cloud Foundry service instance that uses un:pw to one that supports IAM. See Migrating Watson services from Cloud Foundry

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