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How do I choose what to parse from json?

I have managed to load the json file into python but can only get information from the headers, how can I get the information from the lists within them? Sorry if this is very basic but I've had no luck on google as I don't know what to search. Thanks.

This is how I am importing the file and trying to print the name and link:

import json

with open('scrape.json') as json_file:  
    data = json.load(json_file)
    for p in data[0]:
        print('Name: ' + p[0])
        print('Website: ' + p[1])

And this is how my json file is formatted:

  {"product_name": ["title1"], "product_link": ["www.url1.com"]},
  {"product_name": ["title2"], "product_link": ["www.url2.com"]},
  {"product_name": ["title3"], "product_link": ["www.url3.com"]},

The output I get is

Name: p
Website: r

This info is from the first line and first 2 characters of "product_name"

The output I want is "title1" and "www.url1.com", I also then want to get the output from each line.

You must use the keys to get the values and since your values are lists, you can get the index 0 ie [0] to get the values:

with open('scrape.json') as json_file:  
    data = json.load(json_file)
    for p in data[0]:
        print('Name: ' + p["product_name"][0])
        print('Website: ' + p["product_link"][0])

Write it like this

with open('scrape.json') as json_file:  
    data = json.load(json_file)
    for p in data[0]:
        print('Name: ' + p["product_name"])
        print('Website: ' + p["product_link"])

Iterating through a dictionary yields its keys, so:

for p in data[0]:

will print "product_name" and "product_link" .

Access the values by keys instead:

for product in data:
    print('Name:', product['product_name'][0])
    print('Link:', product['product_link'][0])

try this:

import json

with open('scrape.json') as json_file:  
    data = json.load(json_file)

    for d in data:
        print('Name: ' + d["product_name"][0])
        print('Website: ' + d["product_link"][0])

So how this works is: You go through all the dictionaries inside your list and print values for keys product_name and product_link (you need to print first element of those valuues since they are lists).

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