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Missing value of measure (calculated member )

I've got a data warehouse which is underlying database of OLAP cube. When I run query like that:

SELECT  dimS.Attribute2,SUM(fact.LastValue)
FROM FactTable fact
JOIN DimS dimS ON fact.DimSKey = DimS.DimSKey
GROUP BY DimSKey.Attribute2 

I can see that all existing Attribute2 at dimS table have corresponding rows at fact table.

On the other hand I've got a calculated measure:

AS ([Measures].[FactTable - LastValue]
, [DimS].[S Hierarchy].[All].[Hierarchy SomeName]
, [DimS].[Category].[All]
, [DimS].[Question].CurrentMember
, [CimC].[Status].&[Active]

and when running below MDX:

{ [Measures].[MyMeasure] } ON COLUMNS, 
{ ([Survey].[Attribute2].ALLMEMBERS ) }  ON ROWS 
FROM [MyCube]

I can see that 2 of Attribute2 have no values (null) assigned to them.

What can cause issue like that (DimS and cube has been just processed fully)?

Found the rootcause.

the reference in MDX definition of calculated measure to [DimS].[S Hierarchy].[All].[Hierarchy SomeName] is another calculated measure where actually we have hardcoded values within dimension hierarchy. And for [Attribute2] this condition is not met.

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