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How to solve the problem of attribute error in django?

I am trying to make the search bar work. Whenever I type something in views.py , it should be appeared and others shouldn't. I have written code which I will show but when I run the code, it gives me attribute error type object 'Destination' has no attribute 'filter' . How to solve this problem?


<form class="love" method="GET" action="">
    <input type="text" placeholder='Search..' name="srh" value="{{request.GET.srh}}"> <br>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger"> Search </button>


from django.shortcuts import render
from . models import Destination
from django.db.models import Q

def index(request):
    query = request.GET.get('srh')
    if query:
        match = Destination.filter(Q(desc_icontains=query))

    # instead of writing this
    target1 = a, b= [Destination() for __ in range(2)]
    a.img = 'Article.jpg'
    b.img = 'Micro Tasks.jpeg'

    a.desc = 'Article Writing'
    b.desc = 'Micro Tasks'

    # I am trying to make a loop but it is not working.
    target1 = Destination.objects.all()
    for field in target1:
        [Destination(img = f'{field.img}', title = f'{field.title}') for __ in range(2)]

app url

from . import views
urlpatterns = [path('', views.index, name='index')]

main url

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path, include
from firstapp.views import *

urlpatterns = [
    path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
    path('', include('firstapp.urls'))]

Installed apps


Your Destination class is not a model. In order to make something a model, you should make that class a subclass of the Model class [Django-doc] . Furthermore the fields you want to store in the database should be instances of the Field class . You thus should rewrite your model to:

class Destination():
    desc = 
    img = 
    price = 

There is no need to add an id field. If you do not specify a primary key yourself, Django will make a field named id that is an AutoField . You might want to make img an ImageField [Django-doc] instead, but that is another discussion.

Once you have constructed that model, you can run manage.py makemigrations [Django-doc] to make migration files; and manage.py migrate [Django-doc] to migrate your database and thus create the corresponding table(s).

In order to access the records of a model, you need to access a Manager , like the .objects Django will automatically attach to your model. Only Manager s and QuerySet s can .filter(..) , .exclude(..) , etc.

Another problem that you will encounter is that you need two consecutive underscores to use a field lookup, so __icontains , instead of _icontains .

Finally using .distinct() is useless here, since desc is a model field on the Destination model, and thus the filtering will not JOIN with outher tables.

You can thus implement this as:

    match = Destination..filter(desc=query)

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