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create facebook like notification system in django

Say user a liked user b. I want to show this as a notification in the notification panel of user b when she logs in. She can also view her previous notifications (basically like facebook notification). This is not email notification or a success/warning type one time notification.

I want to know the right track to follow. Do I use django-notifications or django-messages-framework or push notifications ? Where is the use of channels and web sockets in all of these?

My steps:

1) create a notification app

2) create a notification model (what fields do I put here if since django-notification already has actor, verb, action object and target fields?)

3) Do i have to create forms.py ? How is the notification message getting passed?

4) What view do I put in views.py ? (please give an example code)

If there is any example project that implemented the notification system please provide a link.

If you're using django-notifications you can just create an object with the actor as user_a, verb as 'like ' or any other action performed, recipient would be user_b

So something like

notify.send(request.user, verb='liked', recipient=[target_user])

When user_b logs in you can fetch all the notification (or maybe just the unread ones) and display it


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