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Pointer to Global Variable as Class Member

I have a class Foo , which I want to be able to write to a global array, Bar .

In Global.h

extern float Bar[256];

In Foo.h

class Foo {
      Foo(float array[])
      void write(float toWrite);

      char ptr;

In Foo.cpp

Foo::write(float toWrite){
   array[ptr] = toWrite;

In main.cpp :

#include "Global.h"
#include "Foo.h"

Foo foo(Bar);


Is this the correct way to pass a pointer to the global array to the new object? I don't want to create a local copy.

To avoid an XY problem when answering this question. Why do you want to use a global variable? If it's because you want a single instance of Bar across all instances of your class Foo, then you can do this using a static member variable without the need for an ugly global variable. If you want each instance of Foo to map it's Bar array onto a different block of memory then that's a different question.

You also need to initialise the value of your index, here is some example code.

#include <iostream>

class Foo
    void write(float toWrite);

    static float Bar[256];

    unsigned char index;

float Foo::Bar[256] = {0,0,0,0,0};

  index = 0;

void Foo::write(float toWrite){
  Foo::Bar[index++] = toWrite;

int main()
    Foo foo1, foo2;


    std::cout << Foo::Bar[0] << ", " << Foo::Bar[1] << ", " << Foo::Bar[2] << ", " << Foo::Bar[3] << "\n";

Will print out

200, 100, 0, 0

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