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java.lang.IllegalStateException: Using named parameters

when i use this query then always show error why? am using MappedSuperclass in audit class.

@Query("select new  com.brite.domain.CurrencyConversion(ins.id,ins.contractType,ins.symbol,ins.exchange,ins.currency,ap.allocationQty,ap.createdDate,ca.baseCurrency,hd.close) from ActualPortfolio as ap JOIN  Instrument as ins on ins.id=ap.instrument.id JOIN  HistoricalData as hd on hd.instrumentId = ins.id   Join ClientAccount as ca on ca.accountId = ap.clientAccount.accountId  where ap.clientAccount.accountId =:accountId and ap.createdDate = (select MAX(pf.createdDate) as date from ActualPortfolio pf where  ap.clientAccount.accountId =:accountId and pf.createdDate =: createdDate) and hd.dateTime = (select to_char(MAX(pf.createdDate), 'YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00') as date from ActualPortfolio pf where  ap.clientAccount.accountId =:accountId and pf.createdDate =: createdDate)")

Pojo class looks

        public class Transaction extends Audit {    
            private Long Id;     


and audit class is

        public class Audit {

            @Column(name = "createdDate", columnDefinition = "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE")
            @JsonSerialize(using = CustomDateSerializer.class)
            private LocalDateTime createdDate;


Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Using named parameters for method public abstract java.util.List com.brite.repository.InstrumentRepository.getInstrumentForCurrencyConverstion(java.lang.String,java.time.LocalDateTime) but parameter 'Optional[createdDate]' not found in annotated query 'select new com.brite.domain.CurrencyConversion(ins.id,ins.contractType,ins.symbol,ins.exchange,ins.currency,ap.allocationQty,ap.createdDate,ca.baseCurrency,hd.close) from ActualPortfolio as ap JOIN Instrument as ins on ins.id=ap.instrument.id JOIN HistoricalData as hd on hd.instrumentId = ins.id Join ClientAccount as ca on ca.accountId = ap.clientAccount.accountId where ap.clientAccount.accountId =:accountId and ap.createdDate = (select MAX(pf.createdDate) as date from ActualPortfolio pf where ap.clientAccount.accountId =:accountId and enter code here pf.createdDate =: createdD enter code here ate) and hd.dateTime = enter code here (select to_char(MAX(pf.createdDate), 'YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00') as date from ActualPortfolio pf where ap.clientAccount.accountId =:accountId and pf.createdDate =: createdDate)'!

It seems to me you are passing Optional Argument to method. That might be causing problems.

thanx, something was wrong with my query. we don't need to put space after colon ':' in query

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