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Storing data from text file into object array

I have a text file which holds input data for a guest at a hotel (Name, Nights staying, Corporate guest?). In the text file it will be displayed as


The format is Name,Number of Nights, Corporate Guest . The 0 you can see in some lines indicates they are a corporate guest. If there's no 0 they are not a corporate guest.

This is the code I use to create the file and write to it:

// Creates file to open and to write to
StreamWriter X = new StreamWriter("Guests.txt");
// File will be written to : File Handling\bin\debug

for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    Write("What is Guests name? : ");
    name = ReadLine();
    Write("How many nights are they staying? : ");
    NightsStaying = int.Parse(ReadLine());
    Write("Corporate Guest? (Y/N) : ");
    CorporateGuest = Convert.ToChar(ReadLine());

    if (CorporateGuest == 'Y')

Next, I created an object array, like this:

object[] arr = new object[10];

My problem now is I need to read in all this data and store in the array, so it can later be displayed on console. I also need to be able to know which records are regular Guests, and which are Corporate Guests.

Any help would be appreciated

You're looking for something like this.

As they said in the comments, split the task into smaller tasks, research a lot and go start filling the blanks.

Please mark as answer if it helps.

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var guests = new List<Guest>();
        var lines = File.ReadLines("path/to/your/file.txt");

        foreach (var line in lines)
            // TODO: parse line and extract data into variable.
            // You're doing it already...
            var name = "";
            var nightsStaying = 0;
            var isCorporate = false; 

            guests.Add(new Guest(name, nightsStaying, isCorporate));

        var outputLines = guests.Select(guest => GuestFormatter.Format(guest));
        File.WriteAllLines("path/to/your/output-file.txt", outputLines);

public class Guest
    public Guest(string name, int nightsStaying, bool isCorporate)
        Name = name;
        NightsStaying = nightsStaying;
        IsCorporate = isCorporate;

    public string Name { get; } 
    public int NightsStaying { get; }
    public bool IsCorporate { get; }

public static class GuestFormatter
    public static string Format(Guest guest)
        return $"{guest.Name},{guest.NightsStaying},{guest.IsCorporate}";

Like others have suggested, you should definitely use a class to store guest data. Let's name it Guest . The class would look something like this:

public class Guest
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Nights { get; set; }
    public bool CorporateGuest { get; set; }


I'm not quite clear about your logic with Corporate Guest, and it doesn't look a very sound way of doing things. In your explanation you say that you store a 0 if it's a Corporate Guest, and nothing for a regular guest. In your code, you seem to write the value of accBalance , but if we go by your explanation it must always be a 0 . I suggest, as I've done in my Guest class, to declare a bool member variable to represent whether a given guest is corporate or not. This will give you the added advantage of each line in the file having same number of columns.

Next, break down your problem. Use different functions to do different tasks, and have one function do only one thing. Since you need to get the same set of inputs, you should write a method that will take in guest information, and give it to you as a Guest object. Something like the following. Do note that I haven't done much error handling.

private static Guest GetGuestInfo()
    Console.Write("Guest Name: ");
    var name = Console.ReadLine();
    Console.Write("Nights Staying: ");
    int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int nights);
    Console.Write("Corporate Guest? (Y/N): ");
    var corporate = Console.ReadLine();

    var guest = new Guest
        Name = name,
        Nights = nights
    if (corporate == "Y")
        guest.CorporateGuest = true;
        guest.CorporateGuest = false;

    return guest;

Then, for writing, use another function. I've changed writing to suit my suggestion, that you'd write the true/false boolean value to the file.

private static void WriteGuestToFile(StreamWriter sw, Guest guest)
    if (guest != null)

Now in your main program you can simply call these methods:

static void Main()
    var guests = new List<Guest>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)

    using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("Guests.txt"))
        foreach (var guest in guests)
            WriteGuestToFile(sw, guest);


Note that StreamWriter is used with a using , which takes care of closing it and releasing memory for you, which is a recommended way of using any stream objects.

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