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Defining a proxy for a member function that takes a member function pointer as a template argument

I am using a third-party library with a class that that is declared like this:

template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
class Delegate<Ret(Args...)>
  // ...

and it has some template member function that have 2 template parameters. The first parameter is the class type, and the second parameter is the member function pointer:

template<typename Class, Ret(Class:: *Member)(Args...) const>
void connect(Class *instance);

template<typename Class, Ret(Class:: *Member)(Args...)>
void connect(Class *instance);

It is then used like this:

class A
  void f(int)
  { }

  void foo()
    Delegate<void(int)> d;
    d.connect<A, &A::f>(this);

I would like to create a proxy template function MyConnect that simply forwards the arguments to Delegate's connect

class A
  void f(int)
  { }

  void foo()
    MyConnect<A, &A::f>(this);

  template <???>
  void MyConnect(???)
    Delegate<void(int)> d;
    d.connect<???, ???>(this);

I cannot do this template <typename Class, void(Class::*Member)(int)> because I do not know what the return type is nor do I know the number of function arguments

With C++17, you might use auto :

template <typename C, auto m>
void MyConnect()
    Delegate<void(int)> d;
    d.connect<C, m>(this);

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