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Reload webpack dev server when json file has being changed

I am using https://github.com/wbkd/webpack-starter that works great.

I want server to restart when I am changing the json file that I placed in to src folder. How would you do that?

This particular json file I am using only in build time - no need that file when my content running in the browser.

If I change my josn file browser does not restarts, but even if I restart it manually I can not see my changes, only if I stop and start server changes appeared in browser. My json file contains some strings that I am replacing in my html during webpack build <%= config.title %> .

Here is the webpack config files https://github.com/wbkd/webpack-starter/tree/master/webpack

I was trying to set watch: true but didn't help.

Also I modify this line https://github.com/wbkd/webpack-starter/blob/master/webpack/webpack.config.dev.js#L12 to that:

devServer: {
    inline: true,
    contentBase: [Path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/myconfig.json'],
    watchContentBase: true

but have no difference

Currently I solved my problem using nodemon:

"start": "nodemon --watch content/myconfig.json 'webpack-dev-server --open --config webpack/webpack.config.dev.js'"

However I have another problem, after server restated I have always new tab opened but it would be nice if just current tab gets reloaded, not sure if it is possible .

If you know better solution let me know.

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