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Open/close tags are replaced with > <while base64 decoding in SAP PI

I have written a UDF to decode the endcode base64 text in SAP PI mapping. But after decoding the xml tags, open and close tags all are getting replaced by > < > <

Please find below screenshot of the code.

public String Base64Decoder(String EncodedString, Container container) throws StreamTransformationException
//Variable to hold decoded string
String decodedString = null;
 byte[] decodedBytes = DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(EncodedString);

//Convert base64 schema to byte array

return new String(decodedBytes,"UTF-8");
//Get the string of decoded byte array

}catch(Exception e) {


//Export decoded string
return decodedString;

Output after decoding:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns0:Log xmlns:ns0="http://world.com/pi/M/Log">

The data inside <Data> tag is decoded text. But as you can see all its tags are replaced. For example, instead of <OUTPUT> it is printing &lt;OUTPUT&gt;

Can you please let me know what changes should I do in the UDF to avoid this.

Encoded String in Base64:


If you say that <Data>&lt;OUTPUT&gt;&lt;... is incorrect only because you see &lt; instead of < inside the XML string, then it's just a misunderstanding from your side.

In XML, the raw character < is always represented &lt; .

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