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How do I include the DOCTYPE declaration when serializing to XML using Retrofit2 and SimpleXmlConverterFactory?

I'm trying to use SimpleXmlConverterFactory with Retrofit to create an XML request to a REST service. However, the service requires the DTD declaration in the request like so.

<!DOCTYPE paymentService PUBLIC "-//WorldPay//DTD WorldPay PaymentService v1//EN" "http://dtd.worldpay.com/paymentService_v1.dtd">

But when SimpleXmlConverterFactory serializes the data objects, it leaves off the DOCTYPE declaration:

<paymentService merchantCode="..." version="1.4">

Creating the SimpleXmlConverterFactory isn't anything special:

val builder = Retrofit

And here is the annotated data object

@Root(name = "paymentService")
data class WorldPayXmlPaymentService(
        @field:Attribute(name = "version")
        var version: String = "",

        @field:Attribute(name = "merchantCode")
        var merchantCode: String = "",

        @field:Element(name = "reply", required = false)
        var reply: WorldPayXmlReply? = null,

        @field:Element(name = "inquiry", required = false)
        var inquiry: WorldPayXmlInquiry? = null

I added an override of a Persister as a parameter to the SimpleXmlConverterFactory.create method, like the following. It looks for the root element and then outputs the DOCTYPE before serializing the rest.

val persister = object : Persister() {
  override fun write(source: Any, out: Writer) {
    (source as? WorldPayXmlPaymentService)?.let {
      val docType = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
        "<!DOCTYPE paymentService PUBLIC \"-//WorldPay//DTD WorldPay PaymentService v1//EN\" \"http://dtd.worldpay.com/paymentService_v1.dtd\">"
      super.write(source, out)

val builder = Retrofit

where WorldPayXmlPaymentService is my root data object.

Thanks to @CommonsWare for the guidance.

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