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How to properly use setState() in my example?

What is the correct way to update this.state.processDuration in order to avoid a warning message?:

Do not mutate state directly. Use setState() react/no-direct-mutation-state

  fetchData = () => {
        this.state.processDuration = (new Date(this.state.endTime)-new Date(this.state.endDate)) / 60000

setState receives as argument an Object with the key/values you want to update.

You can look through the setState() docs for more examples.

Use it like this:

   fetchData = () => {
            processDuration: (new Date(this.state.endTime)-new Date(this.state.endDate)) / 60000

Because setting state is asynchronous and you use current state, it is recommended that you use the updater function instead of passing an Object.

   fetchData = () => {
          this.setState((state) => ({
               processDuration: (new Date(state.endTime)-new Date(state.endDate)) / 60000   

If you want to do something after state was changed, you can pass an optional callback that will be called after state was updated and component re-rendered:

         // Updater function, has current state/props as parameters
         (state, props) => ({
              processDuration: (new Date(state.endTime)-new Date(state.endDate)) / 60000   
         // V -- This will be called after state was updated
         () => { console.log('State was updated!', this.state); }

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