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Year number range formatting

I have these year number ranges


I'm trying to produce this shortened version of these year ranges.


So far my query looks like this. But its not working on the 2nd and 3rd samples, 1923-1935, and 1998-2015.

declare @bookyear varchar(50)
declare @year1 char(4)
declare @year2 char(4)

set @bookyear = '1993-1997'

set @year1 = substring(@bookyear, 1, charindex('-', @bookyear)-1)
set @year2 = substring(@bookyear, charindex('-', @bookyear) + 1, len(@bookyear))

select  cast(@year1 as varchar(50)) + '-'+ substring(@year2, 4, 1)

Note: Year is always in 4 digits.

I am assuming you want a single digit year if its within the same decade, and double digit year when its a different decade. In which case use a case statement to compare the decade component and then display the appropriate number of digits eg

declare @bookyear varchar(50), @year1 char(4), @year2 char(4);

set @bookyear = '1993-1997';

set @year1 = substring(@bookyear, 1, charindex('-', @bookyear)-1);
set @year2 = substring(@bookyear, charindex('-', @bookyear) + 1, len(@bookyear));

select cast(@year1 as varchar(50)) + '-'
  + case when substring(@Year1,1,3) = substring(@Year2,1,3) then substring(@year2, 4, 1)
    when substring(@Year1,1,2) = substring(@Year2,1,2) then substring(@year2, 3, 2)
    else substring(@year2, 1, 4) end;

Assuming your input strings will always have same length ie 9 characters

drop table if exists t
create table t (d varchar(9))
insert into t values


select d
    , case 
            when LEFT(d, 3) =  LEFT(RIGHT(d , 4), 3) then LEFT(d, 5) + RIGHT(d, 1) 
            when LEFT(d, 2) =  LEFT(RIGHT(d , 4), 2) then LEFT(d, 5) + RIGHT(d, 2) 
            when LEFT(d, 1) =  LEFT(RIGHT(d , 4), 1) then LEFT(d, 5) + RIGHT(d, 3) 
            ELSE d

There are actually 2 ways to address this.

Looking for the same from the right. Or looking for differences from the left.

Example snippet:

declare @bookyear varchar(9);
set @bookyear = '1993-1997';

--  looking for different digits from left to right
set @bookyear = left(@bookyear,5) + 
      when left(@bookyear,1) != substring(@bookyear,6,1) then right(@bookyear,4) 
      when left(@bookyear,2) != substring(@bookyear,6,2) then right(@bookyear,3)
      when left(@bookyear,3) != substring(@bookyear,6,3) then  right(@bookyear,2) 
      else right(@bookyear,1)

select @bookyear as bookyear1;

-- reset variable
set @bookyear = '1993-1997';

--  looking for same digits from right to left
set @bookyear = left(@bookyear,5) + 
      when left(@bookyear,3) = substring(@bookyear,6,3) then substring(@bookyear,9,1) 
      when left(@bookyear,2) = substring(@bookyear,6,2) then substring(@bookyear,8,2) 
      when left(@bookyear,1) = substring(@bookyear,6,1) then substring(@bookyear,7,3) 
      else substring(@bookyear,6,4) 

select @bookyear as bookyear2;

A test snippet using a table variable:

declare @Test table (bookyear varchar(9));
insert into @Test (bookyear) values

left(bookyear,5) + 
  when left(bookyear,1) != substring(bookyear,6,1) then right(bookyear,4) 
  when left(bookyear,2) != substring(bookyear,6,2) then right(bookyear,3)
  when left(bookyear,3) != substring(bookyear,6,3) then right(bookyear,2) 
  else right(bookyear,1)
  end as bookyear1,
left(bookyear,5) + 
  when left(bookyear,3) = substring(bookyear,6,3) then substring(bookyear,9,1) 
  when left(bookyear,2) = substring(bookyear,6,2) then substring(bookyear,8,2) 
  when left(bookyear,1) = substring(bookyear,6,1) then substring(bookyear,7,3) 
  else substring(bookyear,6,4) 
  end as bookyear2
from @Test;


bookyear    bookyear1   bookyear2
1993-1997   1993-7      1993-7
1923-1935   1923-35     1923-35
1998-2015   1998-2015   1998-2015
2095-2115   2095-115    2095-115

A test on rextester here

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