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SqlException: Invalid object name, with an object created at runtime

I have a dynamic object named 'dbSet' that is created at runtime, I think it contains a DbSet

dynamic dbSet = context.RegisterType(GenericPOCO);

I create the DbSet object whit the following code

internal object RegisterType<T>(T genericPOCO) where T: class
        var m = this.GetType().GetMethod("Set");
        var generic = m.MakeGenericMethod(genericPOCO.GetType());

        var result = generic.Invoke(this, null);

        return result;

After, I try to create a queryble object whit the next line:

var item = await EntityFrameworkQueryableExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync(dbSet);

In the last line I receive the next message

SQLException: Invalid object name 'TestGatito'

'TestGatito' is the type of the dynamic object created at runtime, this name can be variable so I can't register the object in the model

I could finally resolve the problem

I had to create a new context to register the new object, the new context is same than the main context so whit the nex context I can add new Entities and aply reflection to invoke all methods of DbContext like 'FirstOrDefault, Find, List, etc'

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