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Python Beautiful soup: Target a particular element

I am trying to scrape a particular part of a website( https://flightmath.com/from-CDG-to-BLR ) but I am unable to target the element that I need.

Below is the part of the html

<h2 style="background-color:#7DC2F8;padding:10px"><i class="fa fa-plane"></i> &nbsp;flight distance = <strong>4,866</strong> miles</h2>

This is my code

dist = soup.find('h2', attrs={'class': 'fa fa-plane'}) 

I just want to target the "4,866" part.

I would be really grateful if someone can guide me on this. Thanks in advance.

attrs={'class': '...'} requires an exact class attribute value (not a combination).
Instead, use soup.select_one method to select by extended css rule:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

url = 'https://flightmath.com/from-CDG-to-BLR'
html_data = requests.get(url).content
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_data, 'html.parser')

dist = soup.select_one('h2 i.fa-plane + strong')
print(dist.text)   # 4,866

In case of interest: The value is hard coded into the html (for a flight speed calculation) so you could also regex out a more precise value with the following. You can use round() to get the value shown on page.

import requests, re

urls = ['https://flightmath.com/from-CDG-to-BOM', 'https://flightmath.com/from-CDG-to-BLR', 'https://flightmath.com/from-CDG-to-IXC']
p = re.compile(r'flightspeed\.min\.value\/60 \+ ([0-9.]+)')
with requests.Session() as s:
    for url in urls:

find tag with class name and then use find_next() to find the strong tag.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

url = 'https://flightmath.com/from-CDG-to-BLR'
html_data = requests.get(url).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_data, 'html.parser')
dist = soup.find('i',class_='fa-plane').find_next('strong')

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