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Doctrine Invalid Mapping File Exception when trying to generate entities

I'm creating a entity for my bundle but if i want to generate my entity with php bin/console make:entity --regenerate App\\\\VacationManger\\\\Entity it shows following error:

Invalid mapping file 'App.VacationManager.Entity.VacationRequests.orm.xml' for class 'App\VacationManager\Entity\VacationRequests'.

I think i have one problem in the XML file but i dont know where it is.

My ORM XML File:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<doctrine-mapping xmlns="http://doctrine-project.org/schemas/orm/doctrine-mapping"
    <entity name="App\VacationManger\Entity\VacationRequests" table="vacation_requests">

        <id name="id" type="bigint" column="request_id">
            <generator strategy="IDENTITY"/>

        <many-to-one field="user" target-entity="App\Entity\User">
            <join-column name="request_user_id" referenced-column-name="user_id"/>

        <field name="dateFrom" column="request_dateFrom" type="date"/>
        <field name="dateTo" column="request_dateTo" type="date"/>
        <field name="days" column="request_days" type="integer" length="3"/>
        <field name="reason" column="request_reason" type="text" nullable="true"/>
        <field name="granted" column="request_granted" type="tinyint" length="2"/>
        <field name="granted_reason" column="request_granted_reason" type="text" nullable="true"/>


If you want make a new Entity, this is what you need:

php bin/console make:entity EntityName

If you want regenerate one:

php bin/console make:entity --regenerate

And then Enter (if you want regenerate the all) or add an Entity like this: App\\Entity\\EntityName

You cant (or can, but very bad practice and need to reach into the kernel... dont do that...) use a custom folder instead of src... Your Entites should will be inside the folder: App/src/Entity , and your Controllers inside App/src/Controller , etc...

You can add extra folders to your namespaces, like this (if Entity)


In this case you add this namespace to the current entity (so in VacationRequests.php)


namespace App\Entity\VacationManger;

class VacationRequests
// ...

Or may you can do (I never tested): php bin/console make:entity VacationManger\\VacationRequests

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