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How to get the number of columns in the given row in Excel sheet with C#?

I am using C# Interop Excel and I have a Excel sheet with the column names in the first row and some data below it. So I want to get the number of the column names which means the number of columns in the first row.

I have tried something like that but it returns incorrect value:

int colCount = ((Excel.Range)xlWorkSheet.Rows[1]).EntireRow.Columns.Count;

Any idea how can I get the first row as a range and then get count of the columns in this range?

Try this ...

var xlApplication = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
var xlWorkbook = xlApplication.Workbooks.Open("YourWorkbook.xlsx");
var xlWorksheets = xlWorkbook.Worksheets;
var xlWorksheet = xlWorksheets[1] as Worksheet;

var columnCount = xlWorksheet.Columns.Count;

... or based on what you're asking, for the last column in a row based on usage (the example is for row 1, loop if you need to or specify a particular row of your choice) ...

var columnCount = xlWorksheet.Cells[1, xlWorksheet.Columns.Count].End[XlDirection.xlToLeft].Column;

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