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How to convert each column in a dataframe to a row with ColumnName and ColumnValue

I need to convert the following dataframe:

║ Year ║  ColA  ║  ColB  ║  ColC  ║
║ 2017 ║      1 ║      2 ║      3 ║
║ 2018 ║      4 ║      5 ║      6 ║
║ 2019 ║      7 ║      8 ║      9 ║

Into this:

║ Year ║ColName ║ Value ║
║ 2017 ║  ColA  ║     1 ║
║ 2017 ║  ColB  ║     2 ║
║ 2017 ║  ColC  ║     3 ║
║ 2018 ║  ColA  ║     4 ║
║ 2018 ║  ColB  ║     5 ║
║ 2018 ║  ColC  ║     6 ║
║ 2019 ║  ColA  ║     7 ║
║ 2019 ║  ColB  ║     8 ║
║ 2019 ║  ColC  ║     9 ║

This needs to support any number of columns besides the first "Year" one, which could be 1 or many. And it should be a generic solution, meaning it should not use hard-coded column names anywhere, but it should read the column names directly from the original dataframe.

I'm using Databricks with a notebook written in Scala. Very new to both Spark and Scala.


I've found this solution in Python that works well, but I'm having a hard time converting it to Scala.

def columnsToRows(df, by):
  # Filter dtypes and split into column names and type description.
  # Only get columns not in "by".
  cols, dtypes = zip(*((c, t) for (c, t) in df.dtypes if c not in by))

  # Create and explode an array of (column_name, column_value) structs
  kvs = F.explode(F.array([
    F.struct(F.lit(c.strip()).alias("ColName"), F.col(c).alias("Value")) for c in cols

  return df.select(by + [kvs]).select(by + ["kvs.ColName", "kvs.Value"])

You can use stack to transpose the data

val fixedColumns = Seq("Year", "FixedColumn")

val cols = df.columns
  .filter(c => !(fixedColumns.contains(c)))
  .map(c => (s"'${c}', ${c}" ))

val exp= cols.mkString(s"stack(${cols.size}, ", "," , ") as (Point, Value)")

df.select($"Year", expr(exp))


  |Year|Point |Value|
  |2017|PointA|1    |
  |2017|PointB|2    |
  |2017|PointC|3    |
  |2018|PointA|4    |
  |2018|PointB|5    |
  |2018|PointC|6    |
  |2019|PointA|7    |
  |2019|PointB|8    |
  |2019|PointC|9    |

Your python-code translates like this:

val colsToKeep = Seq("year").map(col) 
val colsToTransform = Seq("colA","colB","colC")

df.select((colsToKeep :+
    array(colsToTransform.map(c => struct(lit(c).alias("colName"),col(c).alias("colValue"))):_*)
  .select((colsToKeep :+ $"nameValue.colName":+$"nameValue.colValue"):_*)

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