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Unsupported literal type class scala.collection.immutable.HashSet$HashTrieSet

I have a dataframe with a list of IDs. I would like to filter it down to just a set of IDs and I used .filter() to do it.

I'm running into this error.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unsupported literal type class scala.collection.immutable.HashSet$HashTrieSet

My code is pretty simple.

val setofID = Set("112", "113", "114", "121", "118", "120")

val my_dfFiltered = my_df.filter($"id".isin(setofID)).persist

Set is not working with isin , use a Seq and use varags like

val setofID = Set("112", "113", "114", "121", "118", "120").toSeq

val my_dfFiltered = my_df.filter($"id".isin(setofID:_*)).persist

or using isInCollection (since Spark 2.4) which accepts Iterable , this should work directly with Set

val my_dfFiltered = my_df.filter($"id".isInCollection(setofID)).persist

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