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Indexing values from file

I'm desperately trying to achieve a task from work and i just can not figure it out.

Short brief: I must monitor a file, which produce some values. I manage to isolate the values into a separate file and I'm string to allocate an index for each value.


My given file (file A) will look like below, but with more then 10000 entries:


All the values inside are basically integers numbers with a range between 103 and 17431. For each individual number from File A i must allocate an index value from 0 to 9. My first approach was to use sed in order to literately replace each string from file A with the given value of its specific index, but is taking too long for my large file. Another approach which was recommended to me was to use awk but I fail with that as well. My script was looking like this:

awk '($0>=363 && $0<=499) || ($0>=4645 && $0<=4646) {$0="0"}1' tmp >tmp2

awk '($0>=2174 && $0<=2193)  {$0="1"}1' tmp >tmp2

awk '($0==500) || ($0>=12308 && $0<=12356) {$0="2"}1' tmp >tmp2

awk '($0>=103 && $0<=220) || ($0>=252 && $0<=299) || ($0>=1980 && $0<=1986) || ($0>=2921 && $0<=2922) {$0="3"}1' tmp >priority

awk '($0>=221 && $0<=251) || ($0>=8085 && $0<=8091) || ($0==8350) || ($0>=12809 && $0<=12945) || ($0>=16834 && $0<=17033)  {$0="4"}1' tmp >tmp2

awk '($0>=300 && $0<=362) || ($0=522) || ($0>=2923 && $0<=2925) || ($0>=3441 && $0<=3442) || ($0=4644)|| ($0>=5677 && $0<=5695) || ($0>=8082 && $0<=8083)|| ($0>=8093 && $0<=8349) || ($0>=12946 && $0<=12947) || ($0>=21986 && $0<=13215) || ($0>=13309 && $0<=13311)  {$0="5"}1' tmp >tmp2

I was hoping for an output like:


Is not happening. I declare the ranges for each index and I try to replace each value accordingly but is not working. I m trying to take a for loop or an if/else approach but i do not know how just because I m new to this. If somebody can help me with some syntax that will help me? I was trying to write something similar with:

x=value from file list.csv
for x in rage1 or range2 or range3 
 replace x with 0
for x in range 3 or range 4 or range 5
 replace x with 1

OR an if/else approach

x=values from list.csv
if x in range1 or range2 or range3 
  then replace x with 0
else if x in range4 range5 range6
  then replace x with 1

Can somebody help me with this? I'm trying to make it in every way that I can (bash ,pearl,python...) so any idea is welcome as long as is a bit explained, as I say I`m new to this. Thank you.

Run with perl so-57624956.pl < fileA

use 5.010;
use Set::IntSpan::Fast::XS qw();
my @intspans = map {
} (
    . '8082-8083,8093-8349,12946-12947,12986-13215,13309-13311',
while (<>) {
    while (my ($index, $intspan) = each @intspans) {
        say $index if $intspan->contains($_);

What was the issue with the awk script? Here is the awk one liner with the ranges you specified and it works as expected.

awk '{ if( ($1>=363 && $1<=499) || ($1>=4645 && $1<=4646)){ print 0}  
else if( ($1>=2174 && $1<=2193)) { print 1}  
else if( ($1==500) || ($1>=12308 && $1<=12356)){ print 2} 
else if( ($1>=103 && $1<=220) || ($1>=252 && $1<=299) || ($1>=1980 && $1<=1986) || ($1>=2921 && $1<=2922)){ print 3} 
else if( ($1>=221 && $1<=251) || ($1>=8085 && $1<=8091) || ($1==8350) || ($1>=12809 && $1<=12945) || ($1>=16834 && $1<=17033)){ print 4} 
else if( ($1>=300 && $1<=362) || ($1=522) || ($1>=2923 && $1<=2925) || ($1>=3441 && $1<=3442) || ($1=4644)|| ($1>=5677 && $1<=5695) || ($1>=8082 && $1<=8083)|| ($1>=8093 && $1<=8349) || ($1>=12946 && $1<=12947) || ($1>=21986 && $1<=13215) || ($1>=13309 && $1<=13311)){ print 5}
}' tmp > tmp2

THANK YOU J23. You just save my job. If you ever visit London, say something, I own you a beer. So, I solved the problem by your instructions, just by adding my rest of values. One simple thing give me some trouble but it was easy to fix (no complain or anything).


must be


Now, if somebody will ever need to do something similar with my task, to monitor a csv and change data accordingly by adding an index to some values, just do what I did with the help of this community.

##print out your column from the target file. Just replace "NR" with your column number
csvtool col "NR" /path.to/the/file.csv >tmp 
## Use AWK to look for the range and then act accordingly by replacing your value with the correct index. 
awk '{ 
if( ($1>=363 && $1<=499) || ($1>=4645 && $1<=4646)){ print 0}  
else if( ($1>=2174 && $1<=2193)) { print 1}  
else if( ($1==500) || ($1>=12308 && $1<=12356)){ print 2} 
else if( ($1>=103 && $1<=220) || ($1>=252 && $1<=299) || ($1>=1980 && $1<=1986) || ($1>=2921 && $1<=2922)){ print 3} 
else if( ($1>=221 && $1<=251) || ($1>=8085 && $1<=8091) || ($1==8350) || ($1>=12809 && $1<=12945) || ($1>=16834 && $1<=17033)){ print 4} 
else if( ($1>=300 && $1<=362) || ($1==522) || ($1>=2923 && $1<=2925) || ($1>=3441 && $1<=3442) || ($1==4644)|| ($1>=5677 && $1<=5695) || ($1>=8082 && $1<=8083)|| ($1>=8093 && $1<=8349) || ($1>=12946 && $1<=12947) || ($1>=21986 && $1<=13215) || ($1>=13309 && $1<=13311)){ print 5}
else if( ($1>=501 && $1<=504) || ($1>=566 && $1<=600) || ($1>=613 && $1<=637) ||  ($1>=2015 && $1<=2040) ||  ($1>=2103 && $1<=2126) || ($1>=2373 && $1<=2374) || ($1>=3828 && $1<=4125) || ($1>=4237 && $1<=4636) || ($1>=4647 && $1<=4889) || ($1>=4991 && $1<=5676) || ($1>=5696 && $1<=5705) || ($1>=6502 && $1<=6595) || ($1>=8429 && $1<=8460) || ($1>=8552 && $1<=8699) || ($1>=10487 && $1<=10977) || ($1>=11326 && $1<=11617) || ($1>=11688 && $1<=11815) || ($1>=11844 && $1<=11938) || ($1>=12490 && $1<=12597) || ($1>=12973 && $1<=12982) || ($1>=13367 && $1<=13414)){ print 6}
else if( ($1>=523 && $1<=548) || ($1>=555 && $1<=565) || ($1>=2005 && $1<=2014) || ($1>=2041 && $1<=2063) || ($1>=2091 && $1<=2102) ||  ($1==2394) || ($1>=2407 && $1<=2411) || ($1>=2926 && $1<=3008) || ($1>=3443 && $1<=3473) || ($1>=3486 && $1<=3813) || ($1>=4132 && $1<=4144) || ($1>=4637 && $1<=4643) || ($1>=4916 && $1<=4981) || ($1>=5711 && $1<=5741) || ($1>=6403 && $1<=6405) || ($1>=6415 && $1<=6466) || ($1>=6701 && $1<=7002) || ($1>=7035 && $1<=7048) || ($1>=8426 && $1<=8428) || ($1>=8496 && $1<=8541) || ($1>=8857 && $1<=9323) || ($1>=9429 && $1<=9618) || ($1>=9674 && $1<=9789) || ($1>=9802 && $1<=9811) || ($1>=9850 && $1<=10009) || ($1>=10131 && $1<=10136) || ($1>=10396 && $1<=10402) || ($1>=11000 && $1<=11175) || ($1==11618) || ($1>=12100 && $1<=12111) || ($1>=12212 && $1<=12219) || ($1==12489) || ($1>=12807 && $1<=12808) || ($1==12983) || ($1>=14616 && $1<=14627) || ($1>=15723 && $1<=15897)){ print 7}
else if( ($1==521) || ($1==554) || ($1>=601 && $1<=612) || ($1>=651 && $1<=708) || ($1>=1905 && $1<=1942) || ($1>=1949 && $1<=1979) || ($1>=1987 && $1<=1993) || ($1>=2259 && $1<=2278) || ($1>=2352 && $1<=2362) || ($1>=2395 && $1<=2406) || ($1>=2412 && $1<=2449) || ($1>=2673 && $1<=2919) || ($1>=3009 && $1<=3016) || ($1>=3814 && $1<=3827) || ($1>=4126 && $1<=4131) || ($1>=4982 && $1<=4990) || ($1>=5706 && $1<=5710) || ($1>=6012 && $1<=6181) || ($1>=6285 && $1<=6339) || ($1>=6409 && $1<=6411) || ($1>=6596 && $1<=6700) || ($1>=7191 && $1<=7424) || ($1==8081) || ($1>=8550 && $1<=8551) || ($1>=8700 && $1<=8716) || ($1>=9324 && $1<=9326) || ($1>=9619 && $1<=9624) || ($1==9729) || ($1>=10018 && $1<=10064) || ($1>=10115 && $1<=10126) || ($1>=10198 && $1<=10386) || ($1==10486) || ($1>=12112 && $1<=12115) || ($1>=12209 && $1<=12211)){ print 8}
else if( ($1>=489 && $1<=498) || ($1>=505 && $1<=520) || ($1>=549 && $1<=553) || ($1>=638 && $1<=650) || ($1>=709 && $1<=1904) || ($1>=1943 && $1<=1948) || ($1>=1994 && $1<=2004) || ($1>=2064 && $1<=2090) || ($1>=2127 && $1<=2173) || ($1>=2194 && $1<=2258) || ($1>=2279 && $1<=2351) || ($1>=2363 && $1<=2372) || ($1==2393) || ($1>=2450 && $1<=2672) || ($1>=3474 && $1<=3485) || ($1>=4145 && $1<=4236) || ($1>=4890 && $1<=4915) || ($1>=5742 && $1<=6011) || ($1>=7003 && $1<=7034) || ($1>=7049 && $1<=7295) || ($1>=7425 && $1<=8080) || ($1==8084) || ($1>=8352 && $1<=8425) || ($1>=8461 && $1<=8495) || ($1>=8542 && $1<=8549) || ($1>=8717 && $1<=8856) || ($1>=9327 && $1<=9428) || ($1>=9625 && $1<=9673) || ($1>=9790 && $1<=9791) || ($1>=9793 && $1<=9801) || ($1>=9812 && $1<=9849) || ($1>=10010 && $1<=10017) || ($1>=10065 && $1<=10114) || ($1>=10128 && $1<=10130) || ($1>=10137 && $1<=10197) || ($1>=10387 && $1<=10395) || ($1>=10403 && $1<=10485) || ($1>=10978 && $1<=10999) || ($1>=11176 && $1<=11325) || ($1>=11620 && $1<=11687) || ($1>=11816 && $1<=11843) || ($1>=11939 && $1<=12099) || ($1>=12116 && $1<=12208) || ($1>=12220 && $1<=12307) || ($1>=12357 && $1<=12488) || ($1>=12598 && $1<=12806) || ($1>=12948 && $1<=12972) || ($1>=13216 && $1<=13306) || ($1>=13312 && $1<=13366) || ($1>=13415 && $1<=14615) || ($1>=14628 && $1<=15722) || ($1>=15989 && $1<=16833) || ($1>=17402 && $1<=17431)){ print 9}
}' tmp > tmp2

Now you got all your correct data in a separate file. Just paste it where you need it and remove it after. Thank you once again to the community.

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