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How to extract JSON child data in dart / flutter

I want to extract the child value of queryResult ie. "Hello there. I am chat bot So shall we get started?" from the JSON using flutter

final responseJson = json.decode(response.body);

print("DATA \\n ${responseJson['queryResult']}");



      "fulfillmentText":"Greetings! How can I assist?",
                  "Hello there. I am chat bot So shall we get started?"
         "displayName":"Default Welcome Intent"
      "message":"Webhook execution successful"

I am unable to read the child data of queryResult using

final responseJson = json.decode(response.body);
print("DATA \n ${responseJson['queryResult']}");

If you want to get that specific line, than you can get it this way, but for more usage it would be wise to serialize the json like here: https://flutter.dev/docs/development/data-and-backend/json

print("DATA \n ${responseJson['queryResult']['fulfillmentMessages'][0]['text']['text'][0]}");

For an easier understanding on the path:

print("DATA \n ${

Whole code which is like yours:

import 'dart:convert';

final responseBody = '{"responseId":"123456789","queryResult":{"queryText":"Hello","action":"input.welcome","parameters":{},"allRequiredParamsPresent":true,"fulfillmentText":"Greetings! How can I assist?","fulfillmentMessages":[{"text":{"text":["Hello there. I am chat bot So shall we get started?"]}},{"quickReplies":{"quickReplies":["Yes","No"]}}],"outputContexts":[{"name":"xyz","lifespanCount":5}],"intent":{"name":"xyz","displayName":"Default Welcome Intent"},"intentDetectionConfidence":1,"diagnosticInfo":{"webhook_latency_ms":5},"languageCode":"en"},"webhookStatus":{"message":"Webhook execution successful"}}';

void main() {
  final Map<String, dynamic> responseJson = json.decode(responseBody);

  print("DATA \n ${

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