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Requested texture size [0x0] is invalid. error when i am loading image in browser

Tensorflow.js error in browser while calling predict function

I'm using Node.js to run the webapp. This is my scripts I have included and I'm running Node.js in Chrome and not able to solve the error.

This project has 7 classes as output that is dense layer in output of shape 1x7.


This is my JavaScript file.

 $(document).on('change', '#file', function() {

    let reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onload= function(){
        let dataUrl = reader.result;

    let file = $('#file').prop('files')[0];
    const CANCER_CLASSES = {
    0:"Actinic Keratoses",
    1:"Basal cell carcinoma",
    2:"Benign keratosis",
    5:"Melanocytic nevi",
    6:"Vascular skin",    
    let model;
    (async function(){
    model= await tf.loadLayersModel('http://localhost:81/model/model.json');

    $(document).on('click', '#predict-button', async function() { 
    let image = $('#selected-image').get(0);

    let tensor = 
    let prediction = await model.predict(tensor).data();
    let top3 = Array.from(prediction)
        return {
            probab: p,

        return b.probab-a.probab;

This is a snippet of the HTML file

<div id="pro" class="progress progress-bar progress-bar-striped progress- 
<input type="file" id="image-selector">
<button id="predict-button">Predict</button>
<p style="font-weight:bold">Presentation</p>
<p>Actinic Keratoses : <span id="type1-predict"></span></p>
<p>Basal cell carcinoma: <span id="type2-predict"></span></p>
<p>Benign keratosis: <span id="type3-predict"></span></p>
<p>Dermatofibroma: <span id="type4-predict"></span></p>
 <p>Melanoma: <span id="type5-predict"></span></p>
<p>Melanocytic nevi : <span id="type6-predict"></span></p>
<p>Vascular skin: <span id="type7-predict"></span></p>
<img id="selected-image" src="">

Could you help me resolve the following error:

 webgl_util.ts:203 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Requested texture size 
    [0x0] is invalid.
    at Fr (webgl_util.ts:203)
    at oi (gpgpu_util.ts:126)
    at ui (gpgpu_util.ts:173)
    at t.createUnsignedBytesMatrixTexture (gpgpu_context.ts:134)
    at t.acquireTexture (texture_manager.ts:71)
    at t.acquireTexture (backend_webgl.ts:2472)
    at t.uploadToGPU (backend_webgl.ts:2407)
    at t.getTexture (backend_webgl.ts:566)
    at t.fromPixels (backend_webgl.ts:254)
    at t.fromPixels (engine.ts:599)


When Tensorflow.js tries to transform your image into a tensor via tf.browser.fromPixels , it reads the width and height from the DOM element. As these values are not set in your case, you receive an error.


You have to give the img tag a width and height attribute, so that Tensorflow.js knows the size of your image:

<img id="selected-image" src="" width="..." height="...">

There is currently an open issue in the repository describing this problem. This might be fixed in the future by providing a better error message.

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