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Write Spring Specification with multiple inner join & other conditions

I am working on a project Spring and Java, generated using JHipster. I encounter a problem with the following items of Spring: Specification, Criteria, and filtering a list of items.

I have a functioning SQL query, than I want to "translate" as a Spring Specification. But, I don't find how to do it, as the query works on 3 tables, and has 2 conditions.

Basically, the work concerns 3 tables: contract, transfer & entry. A contract can be inside one or several transfers, and a transfer contains 1 to several contracts. An entry is the link between these two tables (an entry contains a contract_id and a transfer_id).

The needs is to use the specification to get a list of contracts which are linked to a not received transfer.

How can i write this?

I have already looked at several stackoverflow posts and questions, but I found answers for a join between only two tables, or how to write specifications on an entity.

Here, the query I want to translate:

FROM contract AS c
LEFT JOIN entry AS e ON e.contract_id = c.id 
INNER JOIN transfer AS t ON t.id = e.transfer_id
AND t.status != 'RECEIVED'

Here, an example of the existing Contract Specification created by JHipster Here you can see how the JHipster specification are used as filter. I want to add the new specification inside the already existing ones

private Specification<Contract> createSpecification(ContractCriteria criteria) {
        Specification<Contract> specification = Specification.where(null);

        if (criteria == null) {
            return specification;

        return specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getContractNumber(), Contract_.contractNumber))
            .and(buildSpecification(criteria.getStatus(), Contract_.status))
                root -> root.join(Contract_.store, JoinType.LEFT).get(Store_.code)));

Okay, so I think I understood more or less how your entities are designed. I created a quick project using the following JDL:

entity Contract {contractNumber String, status String}
entity Transfer {status String}
entity Entry {}

relationship OneToMany {
    Transfer{entries} to Entry{transfer},
    Contract{entries} to Entry{contract}

service all with serviceClass
filter all

This is not how I would have designed the entities, but this is how you have them on your project and also as succinct as I could manage.

After importing this JDL in a fresh jhipster project your requirement is to filter contracts by transfer status.

The first thing we need to do is create a new StringFilter in your ContractCriteria.java (my status is just a String for simplicity, if yours is an Enum then you need you create the corresponding enum filter).


public class ContractCriteria implements Serializable, Criteria {
// ...
    private StringFilter transferStatus;

    public ContractCriteria(ContractCriteria other){
        // ...
        this.transferStatus = other.transferStatus == null ? null : other.transferStatus.copy();
// ...
    public StringFilter getTransferStatus() {
        return transferStatus;

    public void setTransferStatus(StringFilter transferStatus) {
        this.transferStatus = transferStatus;
// ...

Remember to add your new filter to the hashCode() and equals() too. Once the new filter is implemented you just have to use it in your query service.


    protected Specification<Contract> createSpecification(ContractCriteria criteria) {
        Specification<Contract> specification = Specification.where(null);
        if (criteria != null) {
            // ...
            if (criteria.getTransferStatus() != null) {
                specification = specification.and(buildSpecification(criteria.getTransferStatus(),
                    root -> root.join(Contract_.entries, JoinType.LEFT)
                                .join(Entry_.transfer, JoinType.INNER)
        return specification;

The three relevant entities are as follow:

  • Contract has a property: Set<Entry> entries
  • Entry has properties: Transfer transfer and Contract contract
  • Transfer has a property: Set<Entry> entries

For quick development, jhipster comes with Swagger so you can test all your APIs live (/admin/docs with admin privileges). I leave the client side to you :)

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