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How to print out values of dictionary in a list of another dictionary

I'd like to do is render/display isbn and work_ratings_count values on bookdetail.html

res output is:

{'books': [{'id': 29207858, 'isbn': '1632168146', 'isbn13': '9781632168146', 'ratings_count': 0, 'reviews_count': 2, 'text_reviews_count': 0, 'work_ratings_count': 28, 'work_reviews_count': 123, 'work_text_reviews_count': 10, 'average_rating': '4.07'}]}


import requests, json

res= requests.get("https://www.goodreads.com/book/review_counts.json", params={"key": "xxx", "isbns": "9781632168146"})

JS = res.json()
bs = json.loads(JS)

You might make things easier on yourself if you set up your data differently. Why not use nested dictionaries?

nested_dict = {"book": {"ISBN": 0000, "Num": 0001}, "book2": {"ISBN": 0000, "Num": 0001}} 

Then to print you can call the key/value as:


Hope this helped, if I misinterpreted your question let me know.

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