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Doctrine - Order by utf-8 collation

Topic : ordering in doctrine.

I want to order car brands and the problem appears when I want to order brands that start with characters such as Š, Đ, Ć, Č or Ž. For example, when I use doctrines orderBy function I get this for my result:
Notice that Škoda is ordered like it starts with S and not Š.

Successful outcome:

How can I get data to be ordered according to Serbian latin alphabet so I get this result:

Škoda would come after Suzuki cause Suzuki is last one that starts with S and Škoda is first that starts with Š, also Š comes after S in Serbian latin alphabet).

Or if this isn't possible is there any other solution where data wouldn't get mixed when ordered (Š not mixed with S, Č not mixed with C, Ć not mixed with C and so on)
Any help would appreciated.

Try to change database collation. Maybe try utf8_bin Because in utf8_general_ci Š and S will be the same

You can alter the collation for a particular column by using the options annotation in your entity (see the docs for database support):

class Brand
    // ...

     * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255, options={"collation":"latin1_general_ci"})
    private $name;

This will alter your database, so you'll have to create a migration or update the schema.

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