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Exception in WPF xaml in Windows XP .NET Framework 4.0

I have built a WPF application with .NET 4.6.1.

after that i downgraded to 4.0 because it needs to run in Windows XP

The problem is that i run into a problem during the start of the programm in Windows XP.


here my xaml:

 <Window x:Class="ETest_Scanner.MainWindow"
         Title="E-Test Barcode Formatter" Height="200" Width="450" 
 Topmost="True" StateChanged="Window_StateChanged" Icon="IMG/scanner.ico" 
      <Label Content="{Binding BarcodeScanner.ScannedBarcode, 
  FallbackValue=AnyError}" Margin="10" FontSize="72" 
  VerticalContentAlignment="Center" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" />

how can i prevent that the error occures?

it seems that he has a problem with the namespaces?

this only happens in windows XP in windows 10 & windows 7 it works perfectly.

thanks in advance


i tried to create a new project which was 4.0 straight away.

the problem then was that the library, using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; was not available in .NET 4.0

Now i could not access the CallerMemberName for my NotifyPropertyChanged .

i decided to create a class with the namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices so the compiler thinks that i have the class available, looked like something like this:

namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
    public class CallerMemberName : Attribute

now the build was fine but i still have the same problem as shown in the image above.

So i tried to manage this problem but i cant come up with a solution or a reasonable failure.

i decided to merge the whole application into a Windows Forms application also in .NET 4.0 and x86.

worked like a charm on the first build and also on the first test on the Windows XP and Windows 7 machine.

i will leave this question as not answered maybe somebody can come up with a solution or runs into the same problem someday

Try adding config setting:

 <legacyUnhandledExceptionPolicy enabled="1"/>

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