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Pass Table to a stored Procedure give an error with Invalid column

I have written a stored procedure (usp_Roll_UP) which will be called from other procedures. I get the below error message. I copy that data to a #temp table and Query by one of the columns on the table. The reason i am using #Temp. I need to Delete the data as it is processed in the procedure.

I get the below error message:

Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure usp_Roll_UP, Line 38 [Batch Start Line 235]
Invalid column name 'T_Week'.

CREATE TYPE [dbo].[Usr_defined_Table ] AS TABLE(
    [T_Year] [int] NULL,
    [T_Week] [int] NULL,
    [Measure] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [Amount] [numeric](16, 2) NULL

Create Procedure usp_Roll_UP
   @AllData Usr_defined_Table READONLY
    SELECT * INTO #Temp FROM @AllData 
    SELECT * FROM @AllData  WHERE [T_Week] =5  -- Works give the records
    SELECT * FROM #Temp WHERE [T_Week] =5  -- give me an error with 

--- More business logic here. as the records are processed, i need to delete ---the data from this #Temp

Thies means that in your session where you try to save yor sp by executing Create Procedure there is already temp table called #Temp and this table has no column called T_Week .

Just drop this table before you execute your create proc .

Your create proc cannot pass the parse because there is already temp table with the same name but another structure.

I think you cannot keep the same name.

SELECT * INTO #AllData FROM @AllData I changed from above line to below fixed the issue


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