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How to I resolve the Traceback error for creating SQL Lite database and printing a hex for first row name&age in python 3?

Trying to create an SQL database in Python and insert some basic data then return the hex value of the first row of name/age in the database and then print it in python but keep getting tuples error.


import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('Exercise_Ages.sqlite')
cur = conn.cursor()

cur.execute('''DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Ages''')

cur.executescript('''CREATE TABLE Ages (name VARCHAR(128), age INTEGER);
INSERT INTO Ages (name, age) VALUES ('Trudie', 18);
INSERT INTO Ages (name, age) VALUES ('Marley', 26);
INSERT INTO Ages (name, age) VALUES ('Elshan', 17);
INSERT INTO Ages (name, age) VALUES ('Reese', 32);
INSERT INTO Ages (name, age) VALUES ('Lex', 31);
INSERT INTO Ages (name, age) VALUES ('Briagha', 16);''')


sqlstr = 'SELECT hex(name || age) AS name FROM Ages ORDER BY age DESC LIMIT 10'

for row in cur.execute(sqlstr):
    print(str(row[0]), row[1])

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<ipython-input-63-ddbebe584cc3>", line 22, in <module>
    print(str(row[0]), row[1])

IndexError: tuple index out of range

This SELECT hex(name || age) AS name FROM Ages retrieves a single column for each row, and you're trying to print the second column too with:

print(str(row[0]), row[1])

Just do the following:


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