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Is there a way to set a timeout in Java with Redis reactive?

I'm using ReactiveRedisConnection to configure a connection to a local redis container.

But in the future the application will be hosted on a webserver and the redis on a different server.

Is there any option to set a timeout for a request?

Timeout can be configured on your Reactive Connection Implementation. If you are using Lettuce for Redis Connection, you can do the following.

public ReactiveRedisConnectionFactory reactiveRedisConnectionFactory() {
    return new LettuceConnectionFactory(new RedisStandaloneConfiguration(), LettuceClientConfiguration.builder().commandTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(2)).build());

And then use the connectionFactory to create ReactiveRedisTemplate .

public ReactiveRedisTemplate<String, String> reactiveRedisTemplateString
  (ReactiveRedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
    return new ReactiveRedisTemplate<>(connectionFactory, RedisSerializationContext.string());

After some research and tests, I found that the timeout must be set on the request query instead.

So on the config Class:

public ReactiveRedisTemplate<String, String> reactiveRedisTemplateString
(ReactiveRedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
    return new ReactiveRedisTemplate<>
              (connectionFactory, RedisSerializationContext.string());

and in the service:

private ReactiveRedisTemplate<String, Response> repository;
public Mono<String> execute(String value){
        return repository.opsForHash().entries("KEY_TO_SEARCH")

Edit: Thank for everyone who helped here.

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