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How to parse a JSON in a GET HTTP in Ionic Angular?

I'm trying to perform the following tasks within a Ionic/Cordova application. I need to perform a GET request method to download this:


So I mapped the object in this way (rankRows.ts):

export interface RankRow {
   posizione: number;
   FantaAllenatore: String;
   Punti: String;
   V: String;
   P: String;
   S: String;

And this is the fanta fanta calcio.service.ts, the module that handles the connections with the ResAPI server:

   import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { EnvService } from './env.service';
import { AuthenticationService } from './authentication.service';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { RankRow } from '../models/rankRow';

export class RankRowsResponse {
  data: RankRow[];

  providedIn: 'root'
export class FantacalcioService {

    private http: HttpClient,
    private env: EnvService,
    private authenticationService : AuthenticationService){}

      return this.http.get(this.env.API_URL + 'matchday.php').toPromise()
      .then(respone =>{
    .catch(error =>{

      var json;
      let headers = { headers: this.authenticationService.getHeadersToken(), withCredentials: true};
      return this.http.get<RankRowsResponse>(this.env.API_URL + 'classifica.json', headers).pipe(
        map(prsp => {prsp.data;

Where am I wrong? I'm not to able to get the light of the array so I guess I'm not able to fetch the data.

You are not return from your map function:

return this.http.get<RankRowsResponse>(this.env.API_URL + 'classifica.json', headers)
        map(prsp => {
        return prsp;

Or just use subscribe method:

return this.http.get<RankRowsResponse>(this.env.API_URL + 'classifica.json', headers)
    .subscribe( res => 
        return res;

The pipe method allows to chain observable operators, and the subscribe is to activate the observable and to listen emitted values.

Try this:

for model:

export class RankRow {
    posizione: number;
    FantaAllenatore: String;
    Punti: String;
    V: String;
    P: String;
    S: String;

In component:

datalist:RankRow ;

this.service.GetDataList().subscribe(result => {this.datalist= result;});

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