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S3 file to Mysql AWS via Airflow

I been learning how to use Apache-Airflow the last couple of months and wanted to see if anybody has any experience with transferring CSV files from S3 to a Mysql database in AWS(RDS). Or from my Local drive to MySQL.

I managed to send everything to an S3 bucket to store them in the cloud using airflow.hooks.S3_hook and it works great. I used boto3 to do this. Now I want to push this file to a MySQL database I created in RDS, but I have no idea how to do it. Do I need to use the MySQL hook and add my credentials there and then write a python function?

Also, It doesn't have to be S3 to Mysql, I can also try from my local drive to Mysql if it's easier.

Any help would be amazing!

Airflow has S3ToMySqlOperator which can be imported via:

from airflow.providers.mysql.transfers.s3_to_mysql import S3ToMySqlOperator

Note that you will need to install MySQL provider.

For Airflow 1.10 series ( backport version ):

pip install apache-airflow-backport-providers-mysql

For Airflow >=2.0 ( regular version currently in Beta):

pip install apache-airflow-providers-mysql

Example usage:

            FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','
            IGNORE 1 LINES
    task_id= 'transfer_task',

were you able to resolve the 'MySQLdb._exceptions.OperationalError: (2068, 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE file request rejected due to restrictions on access' issue

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